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Abhishek Rathod


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Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at Ben Gurion University, where I am mentored by Prof. Meirav Zehavi. Before that, I was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Purdue University, where I was mentored by Prof. Tamal Dey.  I received my PhD from the Technical University of Munich in January 2022, where I was advised by Prof. Ulrich Bauer. Prior to that, I was a research staff at the Indian Institute of Science, where I was advised by Prof. Vijay Natarajan.   


My PhD thesis focused on complexity aspects of problems in combinatorial topology. My current work concerns computational aspects of single and multi-parameter persistence.



Research Interests

My research interests include computational geometry and topology, parameterized and approximation algorithms, and machine learning.


Selected Publications

U. Bauer,  A. Rathod,  "Hardness of Approximation for Morse Matching",  SODA '19: Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.

Ulrich Bauer, A. Rathod and Meirav Zehavi. On computing homological hitting sets. (To appear in Proceedings of Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science, ITCS 2023).

A. Rathod "Fast Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Basis and Minimum Homology Basis", Proceedings of the 36th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SOCG 2020).


Lawson Computer Science Building
Purdue University

305 N University St,

West Lafayette, IN 47907

arathod ατ purdue [dot] edu


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©2022 by Abhishek Rathod

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